quinta-feira, julho 15, 2010

The World Cup of D.I.Y. Mag/Zine 2010 - Tokyo

The Last Gallery" em Tokyo é a galeria visionaria e underground de Fumihiro Hayashi, responsavel pela revista "DUNE", e tambem um dos idealizadores do filme "Lost in Translation".

A galeria reuniu artistas de todo o mundo para participar e nao poderiam faltar artistas brasileiros no projeto.

A Copa do mundo ainda esta no Ar... em forma de Livros de Arte! FLIP representa o Brasil e a FAMIGLIA!

The World Cup of D.I.Y. Mag/Zine 2010
de 3 de Julho a 3 de Agosto - 14:00 / 20:00

The Last Gallery
3-1-11 Shirogane Minato-Ku
Tokyo, Japan, 1080072


"The Last Gallery" in Tokyo is the gallery and visionary underground of Fumihiro Hayashi, responsible for the magazine "DUNE", and also one of the creators of the movie "Lost in Translation."

Artists from around the world was invited by the gallery to participate and Brazilian artists could not be missed in the project.

The World Cup Stills On... In a Art Book form! FLIP represents Brazil and the FAMIGLIA

The World Cup of D.I.Y. Mag/Zine 2010
3 July - 3 August - 14:00 / 20:00

The Last Gallery
3-1-11 Shirogane Minato-Ku Tokyo, Japan, 1080072

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